A Comedy Workshop for Kids

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“Working with the kids in the Stand Up & Learn Program has been one of the most rewarding endeavors in which I have ever taken part.

It is so rewarding to watch the kids participate in a three-day workshop or an ongoing class for the first time.  Many come to the classes nervous, hesitant, or even self-conscious and not knowing what they are going to talk about.  Then, to see them performing their standup material in front of  parents, siblings and friends—it’s truly amazing.

I only wish that as a kid I had access to a program like Stand Up & Learn. I would have loved to have made the nuns at the Catholic School I attended laugh—if that was even possible!

Stand Up & Learn is a really great way for kids to not only learn to express themselves and share their stories with others, but to build self-confidence and self-esteem, which is something we can all use in our lives, at any age.”

Kevin Flynn

Nantucket Comedy Festival
Founder/Executive Director